News & Events
Visit of Rev Fr Xavier Alphonse to TCC
Covid had robbed all the educational institutions across the globe of even their mundane schedule and the community colleges had to follow suit. Having been inactive for almost year, there seemed to be a fresh wave in the air with the visit of Dr. Fr Xavier Alophonse SJ on the 4th of February, 2021. Being the year of celebrating 25 years of community college movement in India.
This time TCC campus played host for various other community colleges for this meeting. A review meeting of the ICRDCE team from Chennai to TCC brought about many views and exchanges. A revival of the community colleges in the post covid era was the focal point of discussion.
The challenges faced by this alternative system of education and how we are going to revamp and restore benefits to our excluded student community was talked about in length. Partnering with the industry to provide job opportunities has to focused on an overwhelming scale this year. Father Alphonse emphasized on the point of making Life
Skills not just a subject but as a major life building exercise for every student which actually carries the potential to fulfill the motto of community colleges `Fit for Job and Fit for Life’.
A demo class of life skills by Mr. Amalraj in open grounds opened the doors of expression for our NSDC students that day. After being confined to the class room walls, going outdoors and taking part in team building games instilled a lot confidence and brought a lot of fun too.
We thank Fr. Xavier for this courteous visit despite all the covid protocols, was a booster, to shake it and go ahead make it again.
Covid had robbed all the educational institutions across the globe of even their mundane schedule and the community colleges had to follow suit. Having been inactive for almost year, there seemed to be a fresh wave in the air with the visit of Dr. Fr Xavier Alophonse SJ on the 4th of February, 2021. Being the year of celebrating 25 years of community college movement in India.
This time TCC campus played host for various other community colleges for this meeting. A review meeting of the ICRDCE team from Chennai to TCC brought about many views and exchanges. A revival of the community colleges in the post covid era was the focal point of discussion.
The challenges faced by this alternative system of education and how we are going to revamp and restore benefits to our excluded student community was talked about in length. Partnering with the industry to provide job opportunities has to focused on an overwhelming scale this year. Father Alphonse emphasized on the point of making Life
Skills not just a subject but as a major life building exercise for every student which actually carries the potential to fulfill the motto of community colleges `Fit for Job and Fit for Life’.
A demo class of life skills by Mr. Amalraj in open grounds opened the doors of expression for our NSDC students that day. After being confined to the class room walls, going outdoors and taking part in team building games instilled a lot confidence and brought a lot of fun too.
We thank Fr. Xavier for this courteous visit despite all the covid protocols, was a booster, to shake it and go ahead make it again.